@article{38821, keywords = {example, systems, dynamics, stability, stabilization, coupled chemical-reactions, chaos, stochastic simulation, microscopic simulators, arc-length continuation, bifurcation diagram, extremum seeking, kinetic Monte Carlo, state feedback control, time steppers, unstable steady-states}, author = {C. I. Siettos and I. G. Kevrekidis and D. Maroudas}, title = {Coarse bifurcation diagrams via microscopic simulators: A state-feedback control-based approach}, abstract = {

We present and illustrate a feedback control-based framework that enables microscopic/stochastic simulators to trace their "coarse" bifurcation diagrams, characterizing the dependence of their expected dynamical behavior on parameters. The framework combines the so-called "coarse time stepper" and arc-length continuation ideas from numerical bifurcation theory with linear dynamic feedback control. An augmented dynamical system is formulated, in which the bifurcation parameter evolution is linked with the microscopic simulation dynamics through feedback laws. The augmentation stably steers the system along both stable and unstable portions of the open-loop bifurcation diagram. The framework is illustrated using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of simple surface reaction schemes that exhibit both coarse regular turning points and coarse Hopf bifurcations.

}, year = {2004}, journal = {International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos}, volume = {14}, pages = {207-220}, month = {01/2004}, isbn = {0218-1274}, language = {English}, }