@article{200131, author = {Felix P. Kemeth and Sindre W. Haugland and Lennart Schmidt and IoannisG. Kevrekidis and Katharina Krischer}, title = {A classification scheme for chimera states}, abstract = { We present a universal characterization scheme for chimera states applicable to both numerical and experimental data sets. The scheme is based on two correlation measures that enable a meaningful definition of chimera states as well as their classification into three categories: stationary, turbulent, and breathing. In addition, these categories can be further subdivided according to the time-stationarity of these two measures. We demonstrate that this approach is both consistent with previously recognized chimera states and enables us to classify states as chimeras which have not been categorized as such before. Furthermore, the scheme allows for a qualitative and quantitative comparison of experimental chimeras with chimeras obtained through numerical simulations. }, year = {2016}, journal = {Chaos}, volume = {26}, number = {9}, pages = {094815}, isbn = {1089-76821054-1500}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4959804}, language = {eng}, }